The primary objective of the ASL is to encourage students to become interested in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through experiential learning. The secondary objective is to provide an opportunity for retired engineers, employed engineers and university engineering students to become engaged with grade 4 ‒ 8 students and share their knowledge, expertise and passion for engineering with them.

Each lesson plan is in full compliance with the current Arizona State Science Education Standards and with the Common Core Science Education Standard.

Seven Current and Three New Workshops are currently being offered.

Plans are to add a few new workshops each school year (click on name for a pdf file of the workshop):

Sail Away:
Archimedes Principle, Forces and Moments, Newton's Laws;
Students Design, Engineer, and Build a High Performance Sail Boat.

Here Comes The Sun: Not available Oct. 1-Mar. 31 due to low angle and energy of the sun.
Renewable Energy, Electricity and Energy Conversion, Solar Cells; 
Students Build and Race a Solar Powered Race Car.

Working With Waterwheels:
Renewable Energy, Kinetic/Potential Energy, Simple Machines, Mechanical Advantage;
Students Design, Engineer, and Build Energy Effective Waterwheels.

Newton's Laws, Rocket Aerodynamics;
Students Design, Build, and Launch an Air / Water Rocket.

All About Electric Motors:
Magnetism, Electromagnetism, Electric Motors;
Students Build an Electric Motor.

Ciphers and Codes:
Information Representation, Data Encryption/Decryption, Secure Codes;
Students Do Many Exercises In Secure Coding And Decoding.

Oscillators and Waves:
Using the Scientific Method to Explore: Pendulums, Kinetic/Potential Energy, Oscillators/Waves;

Students Do Measurements and Graphing of Pendulum Principles and Other Experiments.

NEW Workshops(contact our Registrar for availability):

Building Structures:  Engineering Buildings and Other Structures That Work! Project is to build an Earthquake proof building. (recommended grades 4-8)

How Computers Solve Problems:  Computational Thinking and Designing Algorithms!  How Computers Work and What Do They Do. (recommended grades 6-8)

Exploring Probability and Statistics:  Explore Event Occurrences and Learning from Data!  (recommended grades 5-8)

Workshop Descriptions


Science Lab